Who is Melody?

I'm a photographer, filmmaker and adventurer.

I've always been interested in telling stories through visuals. And when I was 13 I started to get into photography. As most photogrpaphers do, I did that by taking photos of my friends. After a while though I found myself limited to one image only. Photographs can have as much depth as films do, but sometimes you want to explain your ideas more clearly, you want to tell more about the story you have in mind. Setting up scenes and capturing them with moving images was a game changer. 

Many photoshootings and short film projects later I started studying Media and Communications for Digital Business in Aachen, Germany. During that time I learned a lot about cinematography, photography, producing and editing films. Since 2016 I've been producing and shooting short videos - mainly drama, travel and sports. My Photography is focused on portraits and outdoor sports.

If you can't find me taking photos or videos you can probably meet me somewhere in the woods or mountains.


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